Technically Feasible

Technically Feasible

Confessions of an Enterprise Software Developer


Annotation Processing 101

In this blog entry I would like to explain how to write an annotation processor. First, I am going to explain to you what annotation processing is, what you can do with that powerful tool and finally what you cannot do with it.



What is k3d?ΒΆ k3d is a lightweight wrapper to run k3s (Rancher Lab’s minimal Kubernetes distribution) in docker. k3d makes it very easy to create single- and multi-node k3s clusters in docker, e.g. for local development on Kubernetes.


Lightweight Kubernetes

K3s is a highly available, certified Kubernetes distribution designed for production workloads in unattended, resource-constrained, remote locations or inside IoT appliances.


OpenWhisk deployment on a Kubernetes Cluster

Besides the criticism of Serverless computing [1], it is quite popular these days especially the AWS lambda functions. In this blog, we will deploy OpenWhisk one of the popular opensource serverless computing platforms along with Kubernetes to create a serverless computing environment.


These 10 New Features Make Groovy 4.0 AWESOME!

Sealed types, switch expressions, and record types. Here are just a few new features introduced in the latest Groovy 4.0 release. In this video, I want to show you ten things that make Groovy 4.0 amazing. And to keep this video short, we’re not going to dive deep into each of them.


Getting Started with Java Message Service (JMS)

Remote procedure call (RPC) systems, including Java RMI, are synchronous -- the caller must block and wait until the called method completes execution, and thus offer no potential for developing loosely coupled enterprise applications without the use of multiple threads.


Introducing Test Suites

As projects grow in size and complexity and otherwise mature, they tend to accumulate a large collection of automated tests. Testing your software at multiple levels of granularity is important to surface problems quickly and to increase developer productivity. In Gradle 7.